Tuesday 10 May 2016

2. Superhumans

The American defence research team is investigating the creation of transhumans – genetically modified humans who would be stronger and healthier. Biotechnology has created body enhancements that can alter many aspects of the human body. Brain research is another area that could result in human enhancement.

Should we allow technology and science research enhance our bodies to create superhumans?


  1. Super humans are defined as human beings exceeding average power and capability and with $400 million dollars per year spent towards a scientific experiment you think it would be perfect right? Well its not, treating humans like an engineered product isn't perfect, its cruel. This just going to create a social disagreement.

    And what if they spend all this money and it doesn't work. I mean the Chinese experiment didn't work, the genes didn't last. All these tests have created are an array of social and ethical questions.
    Shouldn't we be targeting poverty, inequality and the repair and rebuild of natural disaster hit zones? This experiment is just an experiment that may never work. This is just going to create a scientific backlash, do we even know what the side effects are.
    The "super powers" will come with a cost. What about the consequences for our future. Removing one perfectly normal gene now will result in that gene becoming hugely important in the years to come. While the conditions may seem cool, they are a curse. Do we even know what side effects may come? Dreyers bone condition could help him survive a collision with a car like colossus or the thing, but it also caused hearing loss and other side effects.

    American soldiers are being 'transformed' doesn't that already prove we are taking a huge leap into our future we will always regret.What if were giving all these skills and knowledge to a corporation that could be used for good and bad reasons. We are just recreating the 'hulk'.

    Are you really willing to take such a giant step in our future we can not repair.

    Clarkville School New Zealand.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. These "conditions" have not even been proven to work, so this image of heroes lifting cars and so on is not realistic at all. So far all that's happened is a bunch of medical side effects ruining people's lives not saving them.And how do you know we're not just recreating “The Hulk” or “Fantastic Four” except it's real and you're ruining people's actual lives.
      To be honest 40 million dollars could have been used for much more purposeful reasons like curing cancer or building safe havens for war hit zones.There's a price to pay for the experiments including side effects like hearing loss as well as the removal of people's vision.

      These tests are simply not working and will never expand to something even close to useful.


  2. With $400 million dollars we can change someones life who is just a normal human and turn them into a super-human. The genetically modified human or super soldiers will be able to regrow their limbs that were destroyed by the blast during the war. Te research of producing transgenic humans by D.A.R.P.A (the defense advanced research project agency) and this is unlike anything we have seen before. If they become successful in achieving their goal the soldiers of tomorrow will be genetically modified trans-humans capable of super-humans feet.

    Super-human soldiers could run fifty miles at top speed far outpacing even well trained experience runners. In the last twentieth century medical science came up with some pretty astonishing ways to replace human parts that are starting to
    wear out. A B.C.I is exactly what it sounds like a communication
    link between the human brain and an external brain. A neural in- plant is any device which is actually inserted inside the grey matter of the brain. It is good that we are taking a big leap into the future for normal humans becoming super-humans and if we start now we can do it more and more in the future turning humans into super-humans.

    Clarkville School NZ

  3. Super humans are defined as human beings exceeding average power and capability and with $400 million dollars per year spent towards a scientific experiment you think it would be perfect right? Well its not, treating humans like an engineered product isn't perfect, its cruel. This just going to create a social disagreement.

    And what if they spend all this money and it doesn't work. I mean the Chinese experiment didn't work, the genes didn't last. All these tests have created are an array of social and ethical questions.
    Shouldn't we be targeting poverty, inequality and the repair and rebuild of natural disaster hit zones? This experiment is just an experiment that may never work. This is just going to create a scientific backlash, do we even know what the side effects are.
    The "super powers" will come with a cost. What about the consequences for our future. Removing one perfectly normal gene now will result in that gene becoming hugely important in the years to come. While the conditions may seem cool, they are a curse. Do we even know what side effects may come? Dreyers bone condition could help him survive a collision with a car like colossus or the thing, but it also caused hearing loss and other side effects.

    American soldiers are being 'transformed' doesn't that already prove we are taking a huge leap into our future we will always regret.What if were giving all these skills and knowledge to a corporation that could be used for good and bad reasons. We are just recreating the 'hulk'.

    Are you really willing to take such a giant step in our future we can not repair.

    Clarkville School New Zealand.

    1. It is not cruel because it is creating super-humans and super-humans help people who are stuck in things, who need help and people who are in danger. We can also change someones life who is a normal human in to a super-human if they wanted to be one at all. What if they had one of their arms off their body and they wanted to have an arm that had super strength in it so if someone has something heavy on them and nobody could lift it up who would help them. Now we can’t get the superheros from the movies can we but we can make our own super-humans. This is something we need to start now instead of the future because the future is to far away.

  4. Genetically modified humans "super humans." Putting genetically modified parts to enhance human abilities, beneficial or not? In my mind, enhancing humans with genetically modified parts is going to change as for the greater good.

    It will allow us to unlock areas of our brain that we currently do not use, EG some people have woken up to find they could do so many amazing things ~ Mary Ann Franco was on a car accident and gained a head injury, because of this injury and some operations on her spine she was able to see again after being blind for 21 years. This woke up a part of her brain that most of us have, but that still isn't much. We can only access %20 of our brain, with genetically modified parts we can access all of it, although the parts are classified a "drug'' which some people call bad, in my opinion only using 20 out of 100% of our brains is worse.

    How good would it be to not have to worry about getting sick or injured, genetically modified parts can do this. During the we didn't have this technology but now we do and we are using this tech to replace lost limbs and not just humans they are using this tech to save animals as well. Doctors are now using modified parts to save lives of babies born with diseases. These kids who would normally die before their teen years are now living for much longer, why shouldn't we save some innocent kids life's.

    Now imagine this, for those people who have disabilities such as deafness, blindness or paralysis, one day being able to see, hear and move again. This isn't a case of being "superhuman" but being normal again... Don't these people deserve the option for choice?
